Purebeau Hydro Pad

Sale price Price $25.00 Regular price

Product information 

The Purebeau Hydro-Pad is based on a skin-friendly biomaterial from vegetable raw materials and consists of more than 95% water. This natural hydro-polymer made of pure cellulose has an immediate cooling and soothing effect and supports the natural regeneration of sensitive skin. The extremely soft and supple surface of the Hydro-Mask adheres to your skin throughout the application.

➢ Lasting and constant cooling of the skin: up to 4 hours

➢ No use of preservatives and additives: no known allergic reactions

➢ Easy handling

➢ Made in Germany: extremely high quality

➢ Pure natural product, 100% vegan

➢ Pain-free removal

➢ Purebeau Hydro-Pad adheres to the skin: the patient is mobile

The pad is 10 x 10 cm in size and can easily be cut with the scissors to required dimensions.